The 43rd Annual General Meeting
GEACU AGM 2019 Agenda:
- Assessment of Quorum and Call to Order.
- National Anthem of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.
- Invocation — Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
- Welcome Remarks and Safety Briefing.
- Reading of Notice convening the 42nd Annual General Meeting.
- Reading of Standing Orders.
- Reading and Confirmation of the Minutes of the 42nd Annual General Meeting.
- Matters Arising out of Minutes.
- Reports:
- Board of Directors
- Credit Committee
- Supervisory Committee
- Supervisory Committee
- Education Committee
- Motion to Accept Reports.
- Presentation of Auditors’ Report and Financial Statements.
- Presentation of GEACU’s Budget 2019.
- Resolutions:
- Appointment of Auditor for the Financial Period January 01, 2019 to December 31, 2019
- Approval of Dividend
- Approval of Honoraria
- Approval of Write-off Bad Debts
- Amendment to Bye-Law #4.1 – Admission/Application Fee.
- Correspondence.
- Nomination Committee Report.
- Election of Officers for the new term:
- I. Supervisory Committee
- Board of Directors
- Credit Committee
- Any other Business.
- Drawing of Door Prizes.
- Vote of Thanks.
- Adjournment.