Guaymay Energy Alliance Credit Union is also pleased to announce that as of January 2020, we have been offering the Advance Loan Protector Insurance [ALPI] which is a Term Insurance that provides maximum loan coverage for the duration of your loan with us. This provides Members and their loved one’s comfort in the event of physical disability or even death. Advance Loan Protection Insurance [ALPI] offers the following benefits to our Members
Advance Loan Protector Insurance [ALPI]
Advance Loan Protector Insurance is applied to each loan at the time of processing with the Credit Union.
Advance Loan Protection Insurance [ALPI] offers the following benefits to our Members:

Permanent Disability or Temporary Disability Insurance.

The Credit Union will pay off the principal balance on your loan up to the maximum of $1,000,000.00 should you die, or become permanently or temporarily disabled.

It covers Personal loans; Auto loans; Mortgage loans; Educational
loans; Business loans and Vacation loans.

Your Insurance premium will be added to your monthly Loan installment.

The maximum age to apply for Advance Loan Protector Insurance is 75 years. The minimum is 18 years.